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General Terms and Conditions

These general conditions ("General Conditions" or "Contract") govern the terms and conditions of use under which LP Business & Management LTD.
United Kingdom, 981 Great West Road, TW8 9DN Brentford (the "Supplier") will provide to the person or entity, public or private, or association, identified as the customer (the "Customer"):

(i) the right to use, by means of authenticated access to the cloud infrastructure made available by Supplier, the "Web Platform" or more simply "Platform" hosted on Supplier's technical technology infrastructure (located entirely within the European territory);

(ii) the management functionalities as better described in the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Linked Services").

This Contract is made up of these General Conditions and the other documents indicated below, all of which form, for all legal purposes, an integral and substantial part of it:

General Conditions
Price List (available on the site

1.1 The Contract between the Supplier and the Purchaser is finalized when the Supplier sends the Confirmation of Enrolment communicated by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer during the registration phase, as better specified in art. 4 of this contract. The Registration, upon full acceptance of these General Conditions by the Customer, is the moment of completion of the Contract and allows the activation of the Internet service by the Supplier.
1.2 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that he/she will not be able to claim any indemnity, compensation or claim of any kind from the Supplier. It is understood, in any case, that the use of Connected Services by the Customer attests the acceptance of all terms and conditions of this Contract.

2.1 The Customer is obliged to pay the fees for the use of the Services indicated in the Supplier's price list (which the Customer hereby declares to be aware of and which is hereinafter referred to as the "Price List"). The Supplier reserves the right to make changes to the Price List, it being understood that the new price list will be applied after the expiry of the paid services subscribed by the Customer.

3.1 The Client acknowledges and accepts that payment can only be made by one of the methods indicated on the appropriate web page of the Supplier.
3.2 In the event of non-payment or delayed payment of any sum due under this Contract, the Supplier shall have the right to suspend immediately and without further notice all services due under this Contract until payment is received.

4.1 The Customer may choose to register via the website.
4.2 The Customer will receive a confirmation email to the email address through which he/she registered.
4.3. The Customer undertakes to guard, preserve, use and keep confidential the Access with the utmost care and diligence also in order to avoid its use by unauthorized third parties. The Customer is prohibited from allowing third parties access through the authentication systems provided by the Web Platform.
4.4 In this regard, the Customer acknowledges and accepts:
- That the transfer of its cookies to third parties could allow the latter to unduly use the Web Platform and the Linked Services;
- that the Supplier will not be liable for any damages caused to the Customer and/or third parties as a result of the Customer's failure to comply with the above requirements;
- that any activity carried out using the Customer's credentials (or access through external authentication systems) will be considered to have been carried out by the Customer to whom the relevant Access Keys are associated and the Customer will be held responsible for such use.
4.5 The Customer undertakes in any case to indemnify and hold the Supplier harmless from any claim that may be made against the Supplier for any reason for breach of the provisions of this article 4.

5.1 The Customer has the possibility to subscribe to various services of the Supplier. The list of subscriptions can be found at 5.2 Customer may use the Service only in the manner expressly set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with applicable law. In doing so, Customer shall comply with any technical limitations of the Connected Services and the manner of use provided. By way of example, the Customer shall not use the Service in a manner contrary to law;
5.3 The Customer acknowledges that in order to use the service he/she will have to equip himself/herself with electrical, electronic or any other kind of equipment, software, telephone and/or network services and anything else necessary and that, therefore, the service does not include the supply by the Supplier of tools necessary to access the Internet. Moreover, the Customer commits to keep the Supplier unharmed by any claim that may be made against the latter for any reason or in any way related to the unsuitability of hardware and/or network and/or software systems to allow the correct use of the service. The Customer acknowledges that the Internet network is not controlled by the Supplier and that, for the peculiar structure of the aforesaid network, no public or private entity and not even the Supplier is able to guarantee and monitor the performances and the functionality of the network branches and to control the contents of the information that are transmitted through its network. For this reason, no responsibility can be imputed to the Supplier for the transmission or reception of illegal information of any nature or kind.

6.1 In case of malfunctions or failures, the Customer undertakes to provide all the specifications and information eventually requested by the Supplier.
6.2 In the cases referred to in the preceding point where the complaint made by the Customer refers to problems relating to the cloud infrastructure, the Supplier undertakes to promptly request the intervention of the provider of the cloud infrastructure and services (hereinafter the "Cloud Service Provider"), without prejudice to the fact that the Customer may not make any type of claim against the Supplier for any inefficiency attributable to the Cloud Service Provider.

7.1 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the service is provided "as is" and is characterised by continuously evolving technology; for these reasons the technical characteristics of the service and the conditions of the offer may be modified when necessary due to technological evolution and supply and/or organisational requirements.
7.2 The Customer hereby authorises the Related Services to be provided in whole or in part by a Cloud Service Provider or by another party identified by the Supplier.

8.1 The Customer is obliged to promptly communicate to the Supplier its personal data and guarantees that the same are correct, updated and true. The Customer also undertakes to promptly communicate any change in personal data useful for the correct issuance of sales documents relating to the purchase of services. In case of incorrect data, the Customer is required to notify the Supplier no later than the thirtieth day from the issue of the document.
8.2 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that, should he/she have communicated to the Supplier false, out-of-date or incomplete data, the latter reserves the right to suspend access to the service and/or terminate the Contract pursuant to article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, withholding the sums paid by the Customer and reserving the right to claim compensation for greater damages. It remains in any case understood that all data communicated by the Customer to the Supplier will be covered by the obligation of confidentiality under this Contract.

9.1 The data will not be returned.

10.1 With the activation of the service, the Customer is considered solely and exclusively responsible for its use. The Customer acknowledges that he/she is solely responsible for the content entered, present, transited and/or stored on the servers that host the service and undertakes to use the service exclusively for lawful purposes and permitted by the provisions of the law applicable from time to time, by the rules of diligence, morality and public order and in any case, without infringing any rights of third parties. 10.2 The Supplier is not obliged to verify the data and contents stored in the virtual infrastructure, unless this is necessary in order to comply with legal provisions, at the request of the Judicial Authority or other competent Authority or at the specific request of the Customer for reasons of technical support requested by him and therefore cannot in any way be held responsible for the nature and characteristics of such data, nor for any errors and/or omissions, nor for any direct and/or indirect damage caused to the Customer and/or third parties by the use of such data.
10.3 The Customer undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier from any cost, expense or damage that may be caused to the same as a result of the actions of third parties, including public authorities, resulting from violation of the commitments referred to in this article.

11.1 The Supplier, also through the Cloud Service Provider, will make every reasonable effort to ensure the maximum availability of the Web Platform. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Supplier may suspend and/or interrupt the service in order to guarantee the ordinary or extraordinary maintenance interventions that are appropriate and/or necessary both to the premises that host the infrastructure and to the servers and/or equipment contained therein. In such cases, the Supplier undertakes to restore, or ensure that the Cloud Services Provider restores, the Web Platform or the virtual infrastructure, as the case may be, in the shortest time possible in order to reduce the inconvenience caused to the Customer.
11.2 The Supplier, furthermore, has the right to suspend and/or interrupt the supply of the Web Platform and Connected Services
- in case of misuse or violation of this Contract;
- in the event of failures and/or malfunctions of the network and the equipment used to supply the Web Internet Platform due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure or which involve danger to the network, people and/or things, as well as in the event of modifications and/or maintenance that cannot be planned and/or foreseen and which are technically indispensable;
- in case of motivated security reasons and/or guarantee of confidentiality;
- in the event of incorrect or non-conforming use of the Web Platform by the Customer or in any case failure by the Customer to comply with legal obligations relating to the use of computer services and the internet network;
- in the event of problems with the Web Platform that cannot be remedied without suspending or interrupting the service, in any case informing the Customer of the time required to intervene and resolve the problems encountered;
11.3 In any case, the Customer must notify the Supplier within 24 (twenty-four) calendar hours of any irregularities or dysfunctions of the Web Platform. Any damage caused by untimely communication by the Customer will not be attributable to the Supplier.
11.4 Provider reserves the right to terminate access to the Site, without cause or notice, which may result in the loss and destruction of all information associated with Customer's account. All provisions of this Agreement that, by their nature, should survive termination will survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

12.1 The Supplier and the Customer mutually acknowledge that there is no minimum level of availability for accessing the Web Platform and using the Linked Services.

13.1 The obligations and responsibilities of the Supplier towards the Customer are those defined in the previous article. In any case of violation or non-fulfilment attributable to the Supplier, the same will be liable within the limits foreseen by the amount paid for the services that it will not be possible to provide, in the measure proportional to the part not used where the Supplier has provided part of the service subscribed.
13.2 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Supplier makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, that the service is suitable to meet the Customer's needs or that it is error-free. The Client acknowledges that the Supplier, under no circumstances, may be held liable for any damage caused to the Client or third parties as a result of delays, malfunctions and/or interruptions in the provision of the service. In any case, within the maximum limits permitted by law, the Supplier's liability shall never exceed the amount of the sum spent for the subscription of the service. 13.3 The Customer also acknowledges that the Supplier may in no case be held liable for any damage that may be caused to the Customer or to third parties as a result of the use of the Web Platform as well as of the processing generated by the Web Platform or by means of Linked Services, the Customer being required in any case to verify the correctness of the processing obtained using the Web Platform or Linked Services.
13.4 Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of this article 3, the Customer accepts and acknowledges that in no case can the Supplier be held responsible in case of network failures and/or malfunctions, nor, in any case, can it be held responsible for compensation for damages due to loss of profit.

14.1 The Customer is obliged to use the Web Platform in accordance with the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the Supplier and/or third parties. The Customer accepts and acknowledges that ownership of the platform, including the source codes and any adaptations, developments and improvements made by the Supplier, of the related documentation, as well as all rights of economic use thereof, remains with the Supplier. Any material that is the subject of intellectual and/or industrial property rights in favor of third parties and that is made available to the Customer via the Web Platform, will be used by the Customer in compliance with these rights. The Customer assumes all responsibility in this regard, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier from any prejudicial consequences.
14.2 In the event that the Customer infringes the industrial or intellectual property rights of the Supplier and/or third parties, the Supplier reserves the right to terminate the Contract pursuant to article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code.
14.3 The ownership of all rights to trademarks, logos, names, and other distinctive signs in any way associated with the Web Platform belongs to the Supplier and/or the Cloud Service Provider, with the consequence that the Customer may not use them in any way without the prior written consent of the Supplier and/or the Cloud Service Provider.

15.1 With reference to the provision of the Web Platform and Connected Services, the Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts the existence of an activity log ("Log"), compiled and kept by the Supplier or by the Cloud Service Provider. The aforementioned log constitutes proof of the facts and acts carried out by the Customer vis-à-vis the Supplier and/or third parties; it has the character of absolute confidentiality and may be exhibited and/or provided exclusively at the request of the persons expressly indicated by law. The Supplier shall take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of the logbooks.

16.1 The duration of the service is agreed from the date of booking of the service for a period equal to the duration of the chosen subscription as indicated in the Price List.

17.1 The Customer qualifies as a "consumer" pursuant to art. 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (cd. "Consumer Code"), i.e. a person acting for purposes unrelated to the business or professional activity, shall have the right to withdraw within 10 (ten) days from this Contract without penalty, by written notice sent by registered mail with return receipt. LP Business & Management LTD - United Kingdom, 981 Great West Road, TW8 9DN Brentford.
17.2 The Supplier reserves the right to withdraw from the Contract at any time and without obligation to state reasons, by giving written notice to the Customer, with a notice period of at least 30 (thirty) days, except in the case of events determined by force majeure, by virtue of which the Supplier reserves the right to withdraw from this contract with immediate effect. After the above term, the Contract shall be considered terminated and/or ended and the Supplier may at any time deactivate the Service without further notice and refund the Customer the amount already paid. In any case, any other liability of the Supplier for the exercise of the right of withdrawal and/or for the Customer's failure to use the Service, or the consequent right of the Customer to claim any other refund or indemnity or compensation of any kind, is expressly excluded.
17.3 The Customer acknowledges that after the termination of the contract the provisions of article 9 shall apply.

18.1 The non-fulfilment by the Customer of the obligations referred to in articles 8, 13 and 14 of this Contract, where not caused by fortuitous events or force majeure, will result in the legal termination of the contract pursuant to article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code.
18.2 The Supplier's right to obtain compensation for all damages suffered shall in any case remain unaffected.
18.3 The Customer may terminate the contract at any time, without penalty and without claiming any refund, compensation or damages, by deleting user and data through the ways provided by the service.
18.4 The Customer has the right not to renew the Contract at the expiration of the license period without any notice and without any penalty.

19.1 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Connected Services are characterised by continuously evolving technology, for these reasons the Supplier reserves the right to modify for the better the technical and economic characteristics of the service and of the Connected Services, of the related tools and to vary the conditions of the Contract and of the SLA at any time, even after its signature, without this creating obligations of any kind for the Customer.
19.2 If the Supplier modifies the contractual conditions in any part, such modifications shall be communicated to the Customer by e-mail or when accessing the Service. The aforementioned modifications will take effect after 10 (ten) days from the date of their communication. Within the same period of time the Customer may exercise the right to withdraw from the contract by written notice to be sent in the manner and timing provided for in Article 17 above. Failing the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer, within the terms and in the manner indicated above, the changes shall be deemed to be definitively known and accepted by him.
19.3 The Supplier may vary the technical characteristics, systems, resources as a consequence of the normal technological evolution of hardware and software components guaranteeing the Customer the same basic functions.

20.1 The Customer declares that he/she has all the rights and powers necessary to conclude and fully and effectively execute this Contract.

21.1 The Customer undertakes not to disclose or in any way make available to third parties the confidential information known or handled in relation to the execution and/or application of this Contract without the specific written consent of the Supplier.

22.1 This Contract is subject to Italian law.
22.2 Should the Parties intend to take legal action, the competent Court shall be that of the place of residence or elective domicile of the Consumer, mandatory pursuant to art. 33, paragraph 2, letter u) of Legislative Decree 206/2005. Where the Customer does not qualify as a "Consumer", the exclusive jurisdiction with reference to any dispute relating to this Contract, its interpretation or execution, will be the Court of Salerno.

23.1 The consumer residing in Europe must be aware that the European Commission has established an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European consumer to resolve out of court any disputes relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded online. Therefore, if you are a European consumer, you can use this platform to resolve any dispute arising from the online contract entered into with the Owner. The platform is available at the following link ( The Owner is available to answer any questions submitted by email to the email address published in this document.

24.1 This Contract cancels and replaces any other previous agreement that may have been made between the Supplier and the Customer attributable for any reason to the same user (with the same email) and concerning the Service and constitutes the final and integral manifestation of the agreements concluded between the Parties on this subject.
24.2 In no case may any non-fulfilment and/or behaviour of the Customer that differs from the Contract be considered as a waiver of the same or tacit acceptance of the same, even if not contested by the Supplier. Any failure of the Supplier to exercise or enforce any right or clause of the Contract shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or clauses. 24.3 Unless expressly stated otherwise in the Contract, all communications to the Customer may be made by the Supplier without distinction by hand, by email, certified or not, by registered letter, by ordinary mail to the addresses indicated by the Customer during registration or subsequently by using the User panel on the Web Platform and, consequently, they will be considered known to the Customer. Any changes to the addresses and contact details of the Customer, including the email address indicated during the order process, which are not communicated to the Supplier in the manner provided for in the Contract shall not be enforceable against the Supplier.
24.4 Except for the cases specifically provided for in the Contract, all communications that the Customer intends to send to the Supplier in relation to the Contract, including requests for assistance, must be sent through the Support area present in the service From the Support area it will be possible to send an email to request technical assistance.
24.5 The possible inefficacy and/or invalidity, total or partial, of one or more clauses of the Contract will not invalidate the others, which shall be considered fully valid and effective.
24.6 For anything not expressly provided for in the Contract, the Parties shall expressly refer, to the extent possible, to the laws in force.
24.7 Any complaints regarding the supply of the Service, including those relating to non-compliance with the SLA, must be addressed to the Supplier through the Support area of the Web Platform. The Supplier will examine the complaint and provide a written response within 10 (ten) days from receipt of the same. In the case of complaints for particularly complex facts, which do not allow for an exhaustive response within the above terms, the Supplier will inform the Customer within the above terms on the progress of the case. The Customer undertakes not to transfer the contract to third parties without prior written authorization from the Supplier.

25.1 With reference to the processing by the Supplier of personal data of third parties of which the Customer is the data controller and entered by the latter or otherwise processed in the execution of the Contract ("Third Party Personal Data"), pursuant to the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data n. 619/2016 ("GDPR"), the Parties acknowledge and agree to comply with the provisions of the information present at
25.2. The Supplier reserves the possibility to access the Customer's data for service maintenance purposes only and, in any case, only following an explicit request for assistance from the Customer